The law perhaps ultimately will and should stand against Texas . Immigration is a federal system but completely broken and has been in the workshop for repairs for several decades. No political party has the nerve or will to touch this divisive issue. Neither party is respecting the reality.

1. It is a fact that there are over 10 million illegals which 3% of US populations in the country.

2. Majority of them ( Hispanics) have very strong work ethic , dependable and skilled hard workers. All restaurants , hotels and cleaning business will come to stand still overnight without them.

3. This reality must be accepted and they need to be given path to the citizenship. Work permits even if these are temporary should be provided. This will stop exploitation by employers and they will pay taxes .

4. There should be zero tolerance for illegals. They all should come through the front door like I did.

My $0.02

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Very balanced and enlightening view.

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