……..the saying “that Man would be enemy of Man in kalyug “……may become reality in very near future.

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Keep track of my forthcoming article on the four Yugas.....especially Kali Yug. Due for publication tomorrow, Sunday at 4:00AM IST.

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...it's my firm belief that we all have succumbed so badly on AI to believe everythig wuthout discerning eye. It's only a too to gather information from a mixed up spread and present only as per aspirations which aee always subjective.

Vested interests indivuduals/ businesses/ organisations and governments will exploit this AI tool till it suits them comfortable as humans are prone to believe quick. Global economy is up for bigger upheaval if intelkegentia does not intetvene.

Tool is a tool, let it remain a faithful servant of humanity and not a master of human conciousness.

Is the world going psycho as a whole ?

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