Very good write up with pictures and historical facts and events. Many facts are new for me. Great contribution in history of sikhs

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Thanks for reading, commenting and encouraging.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by KBS Sidhu

Excellent narrative of great sacrifice by Peer ji. Reading this made my eyes wet. Well written. Such type of article is the need of the present. God bless you.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by KBS Sidhu

I had read about the sacrifices made by Peer Buddu Shah and his sons while going through the history of Sikhs written by Dr Hari Ram Gupta, a great historian. You have penned down beautifully, refreshing my memory. Haryana Govt. too came up with souvenir in 2016 and replicas of coins minted by Banda Bahadur. I admire your style of writing, capturing minute details.

S S Dhillon

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Thanks a bunch, Bro! These insights would be very useful to the readers, apart from complementing the contents of my article.

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