Mrng sidhu sahib

Your chronicle again widens our horizon .

Bhaji it’s becoming our part . Regards gagan bal

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Grateful for your remarks!

I do sometimes feel like a pretender, writing on weighty legal issues, of constitutional nature-- not being a trained lawyer.

I hope the legal fraternity does not find too many drawbacks in my analysis.....

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Tomo 4:00 AM... My take on what the Supreme Court might say about the Article 370 abrogation, when it delivers its judgement tomorrow.

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It’s heartening to note that KBS Chronicle is growing fast, both in content and readership. Catlike Intent, sincere efforts and dedication are hallmarks of the project.

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Thanks a lot...... this means a lot to me.

This humble blog is not for everyone; only an informed audience appreciates it.

Do recommend it to the folks who you think will find some value in it......

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