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Whenever one reads about someone summoned by government agency in print , immediate perception is that he or she is a suspect in some wrong doing. The reason their name is made public is because of their stature as elected person or prominence for other reasons.

The government agency sticks their neck out and carries burden or huge risk. They have to be 100 percent thorough in their homework while doing preliminary examination or investigation.

Most times the suspect seems to accuse the investigating agency of being biased against him or her due to their role as political opponent or him being too busy with other urgent matters to participate in investigation .

Here in US , you seldomly read anyone accusing government agency of being personal or politically motivated and much more importantly using pretense of being too occupied with other affairs to appear in person, if required.

I have only one question in the end .

Is ED truly an independent agency ?

If the answer is unequivocal yes then agency is failing to perform its functions.

A complete layman’s perception.

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