Sir, I read this article with great interest. I thought to add something my own view but I couldn’t find anything to add. It is well explained and covered every aspect. The people who think they can’t do anything or more than what they have done can have more hidden potential to do lot more irrespective of age.

One thing more I can say most people about 30-40 years ago, at retirement age, I found most of them exhausted, worthless, tired, fighting with diseases, need assistance from others but in these days at retirement age, people look young, healthy, energetic even they don’t look like they have attained superannuation. I think this is because of better medical care available, better nutritious diet, and health conscious awareness.

Your article must be read by everyone. I am sure it will be beneficial to find more potential to do something with their experiences and may contribute more not only to their families but also to our society.

Thanks for posting this article.

Babu Baru

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Thanks for your most insightful observation.

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