Here in the US the big difference between private and state universities is funding. Historically , private universities have lot more resources available because of philanthropy. But management, performance and competitiveness plays huge role in attracting donors.

Private institutions should not be discouraged but theme , role, spirit and meaning of education should not get lost. There must be transparency ( setting up board of regents made of educators , administrators). Preferably absence of religious tones. An independent accrediting agency for high schools ( here: National association of independent schools website NAIS , advancED website Covina, and similar agencies are for colleges ( NECHE, ACCHC etc) . All private and state educational institutions should be inspected , ranked and needed improvement recommendation are to be implemented within time given by the agency. system like that will promote excellence , accountability, public trust and keep it profitable.

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Very well put but the challenge is to circumvent the age-old adage: “he who pays the Piper, calls that tune.”

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What is encouraging and little surprising is , despite and in-spite of all inadequacies , Indian education and students have made the difference internally and externally . Imagine , additional funding , philanthropy , improved administration can achieve .

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